Thumbs Up to the Bread Photography Retoucher!
Today, we’re taking a minute to recognize the unsung heroes of the food photography world – our retouchers. It’s impossible to accurately estimate how many nameless individuals slave away in Photoshop to make ends meet, but each and every one uses their talents to make the world seem a little bit closer to being picture-perfect.
Case and point? Take a look at what a little bit of time in post was able to do for this recent attempt at bread photography gone wrong.

In this particular case, a new toasty crust proved to be the key to accentuating my bread. Looking layer by layer, I noticed that some added nooks and crannies dramatically increased the depth of the bread. Overall, under my direction the final, digitally enhanced slice of bread turned out better than what I had initially imagined.
Being in a creative field means sometimes failing or falling short. This is especially true in the case of food photography. The subjects that we choose are fragile – they wilt, they melt, and they rot. And, as was the case with this particular slice of bread photography, the subject itself can be underwhelming.
From one group of creatives to another, let’s take a moment to thank the retouchers that make our jobs easier. Without you, the world would be a much messier place.