Craig H
Salt Lake City, United States
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Food / Beverage Photographer / Food / Beverage Stylist
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Food Creatives / Artists / Talent
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I am not a professional chef, food blogger, or even completely certain what a “foodie” really is. I just know that my life revolves around preparing the best food I can and feeding it to myself and anyone else who will eat it. Nothing gives me greater joy than creating something to eat that others devour. As a photographer, I love shooting both people and food. My goals for the images I create in each genre are fairly basic: To tell an elegant, human story or to simply make you hungry.  And as an avid cook, I have little interest in shooting “fake” food that cannot really be eaten. Before diving headlong into commercial photography I spent a good chunk of my life working in advertising agencies as an art director. That experience taught me the value of compelling imagery, the harsh reality of deadlines, and the awesome power of collaboration. I hope my passion for food and skills as a photographer will be a boon to you or your brand. Bon appétit.
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Food P
April 22nd, 2021|11:02AM
Awesome portfolio! Love the watermelon photo-story.
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