Janelle G
Chicago, United States
User Professional Area
Food / Beverage Stylist
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Food Creatives / Artists / Talent
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HI THERE. NICE TO MEET YOU. I began my journey to become a prop stylist at a young age. Flipping through magazines, I daydreamed about the visual stories told in their pages. I have been arranging objects in space ever since, developing a strong desire to seek new landscapes and inspire others through imagery. Layering old and new, I bring life to objects through color, texture, and a collected style. Incessantly curious, I often find inspiration in ordinary places. I believe in the power of visual storytelling to draw people into the heart of a story. Let’s dare to dream bigger, and give your audience something to aspire to. It is my passion to start with a basic sense of who you are, and build on that to create insight into your why. LET’S WORK TOGETHER.
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