Leah B
Düsseldorf, Germany
User Professional Area
Food / Beverage Photographer / Food Writer
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Food Creatives / Artists / Talent
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Hi! I’m Leah. Having grown up where you call the cows by name and eat cherries right from the tree, I was lucky enough to be surrounded by beautiful natural food and home-cooked meals from a young age. That is exactly the root of my urge to create. PHOTOGRAPHY IS MY KEY TO THE STORY. My work is driven by my passion, the beautiful and the strange. Storytelling, good design, outstanding ideas, a sparkle in your eyes, visual voodoo - that makes my heart go far. After my apprenticeship as a photographer and stops in Berlin, Hamburg and Cape Town, I am now creating visual ideas, tasty recipes, moving pictures and narrative still lives, challenging myself and living for the cold water. Always looking for cake and enlightenment.
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