Rejaul K
Rangpur, Bangladesh
User Professional Area
Retouching Studio
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Agencies / Publishers / Reps / Design Firms / Creative Studios
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All the services we provide: Photo Retouching / Clipping path Services/ change bg/ Color correction/ Shadow Making/ , food photo editing/ Layer mask/ Hair mask/ ecommerce photo editing and any kind of photo editing service Background removing: Background removing is an image editing service used to remove the background from the image. For transparent backgrounds, this technique works like magic. And we are here to do that at a minimal cost. Multi clipping path: It is used to create more than one clipping path for an image. It is also a good option for transparent backgrounds. And our experts deliver incredible multiple clipping path services. Shadow making: It creates shadows and makes the image look lively or realistic Image masking: When it is required to hide some parts of the image, image masking shines bright there. Ghost mannequin: Ghost mannequin is an image editing service used to remove the background from the mannequins. It is for creating transparen image.
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Graphics designer

Rangpur, Bangladesh

2015-02 - 2022-09

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