Ryan Z
Boston, United States
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Photography Studio
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Agencies / Publishers / Reps / Design Firms / Creative Studios
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One of the biggest fears of food photography is the cost. Yes, the initial investment can be pricey, but the long-term benefits FAR exceed the initial cost. It has been proven over and over that great food photography is what draws customers in and ultimately drives sales. When you compare a professional-quality photograph of a menu item next to a snapshot of unstaged food, it’s not rocket science to figure out which will make a selling statement. Think about it — for a restaurant, food is the passion, the center, the core offering. Therefore, showcasing the food is what you SHOULD be spending the most money on when considering promoting your restaurant. We can almost guarantee that restaurants who have invested in professional photography have never regretted that decision. Additionally, once the food photos are completed, think of all the places you will be able to use them. That initial investment starts to whittle itself to a more feasible cost after the photo

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