Tifffani R
Phoenix, United States
User Professional Area
Culinary Artist / Food Writer
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Food Creatives / Artists / Talent
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My favorite part about what I do for work is that it isn't work at all. I love storytelling, in my work as a professional chef I told stories on the plate through food, and before that, I worked as an artist telling stories through design. Now I tell stories through my writing and content production. I've had the pleasure of producing several audio series and podcasts that look at food through a cultural and social lens. I've always been an avid reader and I love to write and do it as much as possible. Storytelling is the thread that runs through my entire life and is a direct reflection of my core values- curiosity and connection. Stories can leave us feeling informed, provoked, curious and inspired. I'm passionate about discovering and articulating beautiful narratives. We live in a time where we can reach millions of people through so many different platforms, and I live for crafting the stories that leave an impact.
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