Cascadian Farm New Product Launch 2019
Published on: September 29th, 2020
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Giora S
Chicago, United States
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Food / Beverage Photographer / Food / Beverage Stylist / Food Video / Cinematographer
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Food Creatives / Artists / Talent

Cascadian Farm launched its new Fruit Infused Bars and Gluten-Free Honey Vanilla Crunch in the summer of 2019. Cascadian Farm wanted to emphasize the wholesome ingredients and to also convey a lifestyle around the product. As Art Director of the project, I concepted, styled, and photographed the campaign in which we highlighted the natural organic ingredients in each product, by having them sprout into life. For the lifestyle images, we created everyday scenarios featuring the fruit-infused bars, that portray moments that tell a story of how the product fits into the life of the target consumer.

Cascadian farm GF Honey Vanilla Crunch. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

Cascadian Farm Fruit Infused Bars. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

Cascadian Farm Fruit Infused Bars. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

Cascadian Farm Fruit Infused Bars. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

Cascadian Farm Fruit Infused Bars. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

Cascadian Farm Fruit Infused Bars. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

Cascadian Farm Fruit Infused Bars. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

Cascadian Farm Fruit Infused Bars. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

Cascadian Farm Fruit Infused Bars. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

Cascadian Farm Fruit Infused Bars. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

Cascadian Farm Fruit Infused Bars. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

Cascadian Farm Fruit Infused Bars. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

Cascadian Farm Fruit Infused Bars. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

Cascadian Farm Fruit Infused Bars. Photo by Giora Stuchiner

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