Jose H
Dallas TX, United States
User Professional Area
Food / Beverage Photographer / Food Video / Cinematographer / Food Writer
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Food Creatives / Artists / Talent
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I worked in a small kitchen for several years, I started of as staff member, not much just in the way of responsibility but it allowed me to learn from everyone. Eventually I went on to be a cook, then on to kitchen manager. But that learning of everything about the kitchen from top to bottom, I started to appreciate the art of food. That led me to look into other recipes, coming up with some of my own. At the same time I was going to school for photography, and my love for food followed me. I tried to resist it for years, because a part of me wanted to get away from the kitchen and live away from it, but the more I fought the more I came to miss it. I finally went back to the kitchen, but this time as a photographer, what can I say, I love food! And I plan to share this with everyone! With ten years of experience I think I might have a chance.
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