Fresco's Pizza
Published on: April 23rd, 2020
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Frank A
Tucson, United States
User Professional Area
Director / Food / Beverage Photographer / Food Video / Cinematographer
User Group
Food Creatives / Artists / Talent

This commercial is so dear to my heart for a few reasons. It was my second table top piece as a director and my first commissioned piece. It was shot on a shoe-string budget over a couple days for a local pizzeria in Tucson. The restaurant is heavily involved in the local film scene so I felt a great deal of pride directing something that I knew my peers would see.

During production we were shot in a live kitchen during business hours. It was a calculated effort between my creative team and the owner of the restaurant. There were a lot of moving parts for a two day production that included macros of the food and scene with actors. What a great time!

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