Reddymade Baking Company Branding & Packaging
Published on: January 25th, 2021
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Brent F
Langley, Canada
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We began by reviewing their competitive landscape, their customer base and selling proposition.People buy their bread and buns at various smaller budget-friendly grocery chains. Stores who can’t justify having their own in-store bakeries but want to offer an equivalent product to the fresh baking offered by in-store bakeries. The people who buy their bread want the freshness of an in-store product but without the higher price of artisan baked goods. They want freshness and value.Bunsmaster Langley needed a new name too, of course.We looked at names that were based on the experience of fresh bread, the history of the area, our geography as well as ideas based on the sleeplessness that is typical of bakers.Ultimately, we settled on Reddymade Baking Company. A name that included the family name “Reddy” and implied that the bread is fresh and ready when they are (versus making it themselves or baking from frozen as is often done in in-store bakeries). “Baking Company” was chosen over “Baking” or “Bread” as it had an implied heritage and left them open to expanding beyond buns and bread.In discussion with the Reddy family, we decided that the new brand should feel established, authentic and trusted and as such, the logo should have a “vintage feel”. And as our bread is delivered daily I suggested we promote a “Freshness Guarantee” as a way of further differentiating Reddymade from larger, national brands.Colours likewise, were chosen for their warmth, sophi

Reddymade Baking Company Branding & Packaging

Early logo sketches

Logo options

Logos and colours

Early Packaging designs

Early Packaging designs

Final Logo and Cards

Final Packaging designs

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