Just Bare
Published on: April 21st, 2020
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Bill B
Brooklyn, United States
User Professional Area
Food / Beverage Photographer / Food Video / Cinematographer
User Group
Food Creatives / Artists / Talent

This was a great project I shot for Just Bare Chicken down In Tampa. I was hired to shoot the advertising in conjunction with a TV spot. The challenges of shooting on set during a commercial production are unique. Generally, I get all day to shoot my images. On a motion set, the still photographer is often an afterthought. I only get maybe 5 minutes to shoot each part while a crew of 30 people is breathing down my neck to finish. Thankfully I am good under pressure and got eve4rything the client needed.

It's been a minute since I had a crew waiting for me to finish my work so they could shoot. The still photographer on a commercial set is often looked at as an inconvenience to the production. My job means holding up a crew who want to get through their day. Being able to shoot, push back a little, and get what the agency is paying me to do is challenging. I was originally using my medium format for but quickly abandon ed that approach. I had to go digital SLR and handheld for most of the shoot. Stealing lifestyle shots in between takes, then moving in a shooting ther food before it died while the crew was waiting. All in all a great experience. It also gave me perspective. Team work is essential.

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