T-Fal for Target
Published on: April 21st, 2020
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Bill B
Brooklyn, United States
User Professional Area
Food / Beverage Photographer / Food Video / Cinematographer
User Group
Food Creatives / Artists / Talent
Creative Style

When T-Fal approached me to do their new line of cookware for Target I was very excited. We spoke at length about my approach, I wound up having a working propane cooktop set built into a reversible kitchen island for versatility.

The art director was sick the day of the shoot and there were critical details that were not conveyed to us. Fortunately, I shot lots of tests empty cookware on the stovetops which I was able to composite the elements in that the client required. Also, the client did not like the controls on the stovetop so those had to be removed in post as well. Being able to anticipate every variable is impossible but being able to solve those problems is my job. The end result was a happy client.

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