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I was given a list of iconic New York City street and restaurant foods to create and food style for action shots on multiple locations in NYC food venues for this New York Lottery ad campaign. NYC Lotto-Cash 4 Life: What would you do with $1000/day for life? The challenge was budget. So very little time or money, and only one assistant. These kinds of projects stretch the imagination and creativity to make things happen in the back of a truck, with one 14 hour prep day and two 18 hour shoot days.
I was given a list of iconic New York City street and restaurant foods to create and food style for action shots on multiple locations in NYC food venues for this New York Lottery ad campaign. NYC Lotto-Cash 4 Life: What would you do with $1000/day for life? The challenge was budget. So very little time or money, and only one assistant. These kinds of projects stretch the imagination and creativity to make things happen in the back of a truck, with one 14 hour prep day and two 18 hour shoot days.

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